Costuming Blog
Our blog features program news, awards, and a brief glimpse into our curriculum. Alumni have received awards for excellence in costuming for theatre, major motion pictures, and television series. Find alumni awards, program news and more in our blog!
Alumni Award nominees & Winners
The Canadian Alliance of Film and Television Costume Arts and Design (CAFTCAD) has worked towards bringing together Canadian costume professionals from all corners of the industry. CAFTCAD is a culmination of these efforts to bring the costuming community together, recognize and reward talent.
Anthea Mallinson (faculty)
Emily McIntyre, Textile Arts Program
Ahro Ko, Textile Arts and Costuming
Layne Beck, Costuming
Katie Blecker, Costuming
LEO Awards
The Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Foundation of British Columbia is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate and promote the achievements of the British Columbia film and television industry through the presentation of an annual awards program – the LEO AWARDS.
Brittney Calder (2020)
Jessica Kalan
Betty Dubney
Barbara Gregosova
Caitlyn Krantz
Danielle White
hey Alumni!
Please keep us up to date on any awards you’ve won.
Drop us a line or tag us on Instagram @capucostuming #capucostuming